Les chiffres sont édifiants et font froid dans le dos. Peut-être est-ce pour cette raison que les médias traditionnels n’en ont pas fait leurs grands titres ? Le Peuple vous révèle les résultats d’une vaste enquête menée par un institut américain sur les opinions partagées dans les pays musulmans.
Et l’on apprend que dans certaines contrées, une vaste majorité souhaite l’instauration de la charia, soutient la lapidation des femmes et se montre favorable à la peine de mort pour apostasie.
C’est un véritable pavé dans la mare qu’a lancé le Pew Research Center, institut américain qui, à coups de sondages, établit une carte de l’opinion publique mondiale. (Voir après cette article)
L’enquête “The World’s Muslims : Religion, Politics and Society” (“Les musulmans de par le monde : religion, politique et société”) fut menée sur un échantillon de 40.000 personnes dans des pays asiatiques, européens et africains. Les résultats détonnent et surtout inquiètent, dans l’indifférence quasi générale des médias.
Dans la plupart des pays, les hommes et les femmes pensent majoritairement que les épouses doivent obéissance à leurs maris, avec des pics culminant à 96 % (!) en Malaisie, 94 % en Afghanistan (pays où la chute des Talibans n’a visiblement pas amélioré la situation des femmes), 93 % en Indonésie et 93 %… en Tunisie, à la frontière européenne. En Afghanistan et en Iraq, une majorité estime qu’une femme doit être exécutée si elle a porté atteinte à l’honneur familial. Dans le même temps, la polygamie est acceptée par 87 % des Nigériens et 86 % des Sénégalais.
Bien que le rapport se réjouit qu’une majorité des musulmans rejette les attaques-suicides, ils ne sont pas moins de 40 % (!) à justifier de tels actes dans les territoires palestiniens (certains préfèrent visiblement diaboliser Israël que de dévoiler ces chiffres), 39 % en Afghanistan, et 29 % en Egypte. 84 % des Pakistanais, 74 % des Egyptiens et 72 % des Indonésiens musulmans sont en faveur de la peine de mort en cas d’apostasie. Une atteinte majeure à la liberté de conscience !
Quand on les questionne sur l’opportunité de faire de la charia la loi officielle des pays dans lesquelles ils vivent, 84 % des Pakistanais et à peine moins de Marocains (83 %) sont en accord avec la proposition. Dans les deux pays, la supériorité de l’Islam sur les autres religions est déjà sacralisée par les textes de loi.
Ce sont là quelques chiffres qui effraient. La consultation du rapport pose de nombreuses questions auxquelles les décideurs semblent peu pressés de répondre. Eux qui choient la mondialisation heureuse et rejettent la théorie du choc des civilisations mise en lumière par Samuel Huttington en 1996, eux qui se réjouissent du multiculturalisme, ne voyant pas qu’il pourrait signifier l’importation de ces conflits dans notre pays, eux qui diabolisent le monde occidental et ses alliés ne semblent pas voir qu’il règne dans certains pays du monde musulman des valeurs incompatibles avec les nôtres.
Se voiler la face peut entraîner des conséquences assez graves pour la stabilité de nos démocraties.
Source: http://lepeuple.be/
source originelle:
Le Pew Research Center est un think tankaméricain qui fournit des informations sur les sujets controversés en général relatifs aux attitudes et tendances qui influencent les États-Unis et le monde1. Son siège social est à Washington, D.C. et ses activités sont financées par le Pew Charitable Trusts.
Le Pew Research Center est un organisme qui se présente comme politiquement neutre
The World’s Muslims: Religion, Politics and Society
A new Pew Research Center survey of Muslims around the globe finds that most adherents of the world’s second-largest religion are deeply committed to their faith and want its teachings to shape not only their personal lives but also their societies and politics. In all but a handful of the 39 countries surveyed, a majority of Muslims say that Islam is the one true faith leading to eternal life in heaven and that belief in God is necessary to be a moral person. Many also think that their religious leaders should have at least some influence over political matters. And many express a desire for sharia – traditional Islamic law – to be recognized as the official law of their country.
The percentage of Muslims who say they want sharia to be “the official law of the land” varies widely around the world, from fewer than one-in-ten in Azerbaijan (8%) to near unanimity in Afghanistan (99%). But solid majorities in most of the countries surveyed across the Middle East and North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and Southeast Asia favor the establishment of sharia, including 71% of Muslims in Nigeria, 72% in Indonesia, 74% in Egypt and 89% in the Palestinian territories.
At the same time, the survey finds that even in many countries where there is strong backing for sharia, most Muslims favor religious freedom for people of other faiths. In Pakistan, for example, three-quarters of Muslims say that non-Muslims are very free to practice their religion, and fully 96% of those who share this assessment say it is “a good thing.” Yet 84% of Pakistani Muslims favor enshrining sharia as official law. These seemingly divergent views are possible partly because most supporters of sharia in Pakistan – as in many other countries – think Islamic law should apply only to Muslims. Moreover, Muslims around the globe have differing understandings of what sharia means in practice.
The survey – which involved more than 38,000 face-to-face interviews in 80-plus languages with Muslims across Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Africa – shows that Muslims tend to be most comfortable with using sharia in the domestic sphere, to settle family or property disputes. In most countries surveyed, there is considerably less support for severe punishments, such as cutting off the hands of thieves or executing people who convert from Islam to another faith. And even in the domestic sphere, Muslims differ widely on such questions as whether polygamy, divorce and family planning are morally acceptable and whether daughters should be able to receive the same inheritance as sons.
In most countries surveyed, majorities of Muslim women as well as men agree that a wife is always obliged to obey her husband. Indeed, more than nine-in-ten Muslims in Iraq (92%), Morocco (92%), Tunisia (93%), Indonesia (93%), Afghanistan (94%) and Malaysia (96%) express this view. At the same time, majorities in many countries surveyed say a woman should be able to decide for herself whether to wear a veil.
Overall, the survey finds that most Muslims see no inherent tension between being religiously devout and living in a modern society. Nor do they see any conflict between religion and science. Many favor democracy over authoritarian rule, believe that humans and other living things have evolved over time and say they personally enjoy Western movies, music and television – even though most think Western popular culture undermines public morality.
The new survey also allows some comparisons with prior Pew Research Center surveys of Muslims in the United States. Like most Muslims worldwide, U.S. Muslims generally express strong commitment to their faith and tend not to see an inherent conflict between being devout and living in a modern society. But American Muslims are much more likely than Muslims in other countries to have close friends who do not share their faith, and they are much more open to the idea that many religions – not only Islam – can lead to eternal life in heaven. At the same time, U.S. Muslims are less inclined than their co-religionists around the globe to believe in evolution; on this subject, they are closer to U.S. Christians.
Few U.S. Muslims voice support for suicide bombing or other forms of violence against civilians in the name of Islam; 81% say such acts are never justified, while fewer than one-in-ten say violence against civilians either is often justified (1%) or is sometimes justified (7%) to defend Islam. Around the world, most Muslims also reject suicide bombing and other attacks against civilians. However, substantial minorities in several countries say such acts of violence are at least sometimes justified, including 26% of Muslims in Bangladesh, 29% in Egypt, 39% in Afghanistan and 40% in the Palestinian territories.
These are among the key findings of a worldwide survey by the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life. The survey was conducted in two waves. Fifteen sub-Saharan African countries with substantial Muslim populations were surveyed in 2008-2009, and some of those results previously were analyzed in the Pew Research Center’s 2010 report “Tolerance and Tension: Islam and Christianity in Sub-Saharan Africa.” An additional 24 countries in Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Africa were surveyed in 2011-2012; results regarding religious beliefs and practices were first published in the Pew Research Center’s 2012 report “The World’s Muslims: Unity and Diversity.” The current report focuses on Muslims’ social and political attitudes, and it incorporates findings from both waves of the survey.
Other key findings include:
- At least half of Muslims in most countries surveyed say they are concerned about religious extremist groups in their country, including two-thirds or more of Muslims in Egypt (67%), Tunisia (67%), Iraq (68%), Guinea Bissau (72%) and Indonesia (78%). On balance, more are worried about Islamic extremists than about Christian extremists.
- Muslims around the world overwhelmingly view certain behaviors – including prostitution, homosexuality, suicide, abortion, euthanasia and consumption of alcohol – as immoral. But attitudes toward polygamy, divorce and birth control are more varied. For example, polygamy is seen as morally acceptable by just 4% of Muslims in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Azerbaijan; about half of Muslims in the Palestinian territories (48%) and Malaysia (49%); and the vast majority of Muslims in several countries in sub-Saharan Africa, such as Senegal (86%) and Niger (87%).
- In most countries where a question about so-called “honor” killings was asked, majorities of Muslims say such killings are never justified. Only in two countries – Afghanistan and Iraq – do majorities condone extra-judicial executions of women who allegedly have shamed their families by engaging in premarital sex or adultery.
- Relatively few Muslims say that tensions between more religiously observant and less observant Muslims are a very big problem in their country. In most countries where the question was asked, Muslims also see little tension between members of Islam’s two major sects, Sunnis and Shias – though a third or more of Muslims in Pakistan (34%) and Lebanon (38%) consider Sunni-Shia conflict to be a very big problem.
- Muslims in sub-Saharan Africa are more likely than Muslims surveyed in other regions to say they attend interfaith meetings and are knowledgeable about other faiths. But substantial percentages of Muslims in sub-Saharan Africa also perceive hostility between Muslims and Christians. In Guinea-Bissau, for example, 41% of Muslims say “most” or “many” Christians are hostile toward Muslims, and 49% say “most” or “many” Muslims are hostile toward Christians.
- In half of the countries where the question was asked, majorities of Muslims want religious leaders to have at least “some influence” in political matters, and sizable minorities in Asia, the Middle East and North Africa think religious leaders should have a lot of political influence. For example, 37% of Muslims in Jordan, 41% in Malaysia and 53% in Afghanistan say religious leaders should play a “large” role in politics.
- Support for making sharia the official law of the land tends to be higher in countries like Pakistan (84%) and Morocco (83%) where the constitution or basic laws favor Islam over other religions.
- In many countries, Muslims who pray several times a day are more likely to support making sharia official law than are Muslims who pray less frequently. In Russia, Lebanon, the Palestinian territories and Tunisia, for example, Muslims who pray several times a day are at least 25 percentage points more supportive of enshrining sharia than are less observant Muslims. Generally, however, there is little difference in support for sharia by age, gender or education.
Photo Credit: © Scott E Barbour